
To help prevent cavities in your teeth it is important to brush your teeth twice a day ( morning and night ) The best way is with a small, soft brush. If the bristles are frayed then its time for a new one. Put a peasize amount of fluoride toothpaste on your brush. Make sure you brush all surfaces of your teeth and your tong, this takes approximately 2 minutes. The best method is to place the brush at a 45 degree angle where the tooth meets the gum. Making small movements and also aiming to brush in-between the teeth. Pay special attention to try and brush thoroughly but never too hard. An electric toothbrush is proven to be the most efficient way of brushing and they are also available with a red light which warns you if you add too much pressure. Also it is advised to use dental aids to clean in- between the teeth on a daily basis, for example dental sticks, dental brushes and floss. This will help to keep your gums in tip top condition and prevent gum disease.

Make an appointment!

You can make an appointment with the dentist by e-mail or telephone. If you are not yet a patient, you can go to the registration form.

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Dental Practice and Oral Implantology
Herenweg 103A8
2105ME Heemstede
Tel: 023-5290409

Opening hours

Monday till Thursday: 08:20 tot 17:00 hrs.

Contact us

Mon to Thu: 8:15 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Tel: 023-5290409

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